Follow your bliss

As Joseph Campbell so poignantly said, lectured, wrote... "Follow your Bliss".  I anticipated that paradigm shift to happen in 2012 - alas, it still has not come. That day where peace and love triumph over greed and violence. The value of a human life is measured more in deeds to properties than it is to deeds from the heart. 

I realized that I cannot change the world, I can change only myself and the way in which I make peace with the world. I am taking a break on my quest to "Be the change I wish to see." - As I wish that more people spoke up at injustices, I wish that noone tolerated cruelty, I wish that everyone were true to the kind and compassionate intentions that they held when they were three years old.

As I have lived my life standing for many beliefs in which I hold dear, I have often times stood alone, as I was the only one making noise. Quietly people thank me for being bold enough to say what they were too afraid to. 

I'm taking a break.

Seeking my bliss.

Living Aloha.